
Let's get you up and running with your online Tesco account. We just need a few details.

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Account details

Join Clubcard, it's free and saves you money

You'll start saving straight away with exclusive Clubcard Prices in-store and online

Personal details

It's best to use a mobile number as this makes the experience quicker and simpler

Data protection

By providing your personal data, you acknowledge it will be processed by TESCO-GLOBAL Stores Zrt. for the purpose of providing the services and benefits of online shopping and/or the Clubcard loyalty program. If you grant marketing consent, we will use your data to send you offers and marketing materials. More information on how we process your personal data can be found in the Privacy and Cookies Policy and the Clubcard Customer

Marketing communications

Would you like to receive special offers and promotions by email, text message, phone or post from our Tesco business? Remember you can opt-out at any time.

Terms and Conditions of Use

To protect our customers use of sites and services are governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use.

By creating an account, I confirm that I've read and agree to the terms and conditions of Tesco Online shopping, Clubcard or both (based on the options chosen above) and that I am aged 18 years or over.

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Want to know more? Check out our cookies policy or manage your cookie preferences.